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This is part five of my Write Your Site Series: A 6-part guide to writing your core website pages (Home, About, Services, and Contact), followed by a step-by-step checklist to launching and marketing your new site. Today’s post is about how to write a contact page that seals the deal. Your contact page is the last […]

woman writing her contact page copy in a notebook on a kitchen countertop

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This is part five of my Write Your Site Series: A 6-part guide to writing your core website pages (Home, About, Services, and Contact), followed by a step-by-step checklist to launching and marketing your new site. Today’s post is about how to write a contact page that seals the deal. Your contact page is the last […]

woman writing her contact page copy in a notebook on a kitchen countertop




woman writing her contact page copy in a notebook on a kitchen countertop

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This is part five of my Write Your Site Series: A 6-part guide to writing your core website pages (Home, About, Services, and Contact), followed by a step-by-step checklist to launching and marketing your new site. Today’s post is about how to write a contact page that seals the deal. Your contact page is the last […]

Seal the Deal with a Helpful Contact Page | Write Your Site Series: Part Five

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Professional copywriter holding iPhone and hot coffee

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This is part two of my Write Your Site Series: A 6-part guide to writing your core website pages (Home, About, Services, and Contact), followed by a step-by-step checklist to launching and marketing your new site. Today’s post is about how to write your About page. You’ve probably heard before that your About page isn’t actually about YOU. And […]

How to Write Your About Page | Write Your Site Series: Part Three

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Laptop, candle, and tray with coffee cup on top of white bed sheets

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This is part two of my Write Your Site Series: A 6-part guide to writing your core website pages (Home, About, Services, and Contact), followed by a step-by-step checklist to launching and marketing your new site. Today’s post is about how to write your homepage. No matter what industry you’re in, every homepage has the […]

An Easy Homepage Formula | Write Your Site Series: Part Two

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papers spread across floor preparing for a website copy audit

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You finally did it. You scaled the mountain that is writing your website copy. It’s no small feat, so you’re happy as heck. You hit “Publish” with pride… and suddenly your pits are dampened drenched with sweat. “After all that work, what if my copy doesn’t convert?” “Did I map out each page correctly?” “Does […]

How to Conduct a Website Copy Audit for Higher Conversions

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woman talking on the phone in white jeans and a short-sleeved sweater

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Investing in your business can be scary. There’s nothing worse than spending your hard-earned cash on something that promises to change your life but ends up being another unused template or half-finished course in your Google Drive graveyard. But when the investment does pay off, it usually pays off real good. Here’s a look at […]

The Best Business Investments I Made in 2022 as a Copywriter

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step inside the studio

Making sense of your messy thoughts and pages of scribbled ideas is what I love most.

Because let's face it. It's hard to decide which words to keep and which words to wipe off the page knowing you have mere *seconds* to capture (and keep) the attention of your readers.

But here's what I know... in that tangle of thoughts is a story. It might not feel like it yet, but the words you're trying to say are already there, written on your heart, waiting to be uncovered.

And when the right words are finally strung together on the page, you'll be able to see just how damn good your work really is and you'll fall in love with your business all over again.

I'm Shannon, the face behind the words.

I'm here to help you reignite the spark you feel for your business through the magic of the written word.

Every Wednesday, you'll get an easy-to-implement marketing tip to help you write for & promote your online business. I probably wrote it in my sweatpants, so it's casual, it's cool, and it's never spammy.

The Wednesday Column